Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Project 366 Share {Day 13}

The mother/daughter relationship is so much more comprehensive than a best friendship. It's a relationship that is not replaceable by any other. No matter how old she is, my baby she will always be. Tonight we had a blast dancing around, like we often do, to no music. These are some of the moments I cherish the most.

Monday, January 11, 2016

Road Trippin'

1/6/16 And we are officially on the road! First stop Branson, MO to see Joe's family!!

1/7/16 The girls were thrilled to learn, upon arrival, that our hotel in Branson, MO had a pool. After a quick trip to Walmart for swimming suits, we were all set for some fun. The next morning, the girls decided to have a pillow fight. While it may look like Scarlett won, in reality it was a draw.

1/8/16 We are officially on the way to Imaging. :) Joe, my partner in crime, made the mistake of telling me if I saw anything on the way to holler and he would pull over. We made it about an hour away before I took him up on the offer. Thankfully, as I was typing reminders for this blog on the laptop I was looking out the window or else I would have missed this little gem.

{Walkin' In Memphis}

1/9/16 Driving from Branson to Birmingham, catching a little ZZZ's and then driving to Atlanta will really wear you out. The last thing I wants was to have my photo taken but when your 8 year asks you oblige.

1/10/16 Scarlett was absolutely fascinated with the fountains and SkyView Atlanta. It was freezing and starting to sprinkle but I am so glad we stayed to watch the water show; if we would have left I would not have gotten this.

1/11/16 One of the perks of homeschooling your kiddos, they get to travel with you without missing school.

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

All packed and ready to go! {ATL here we come!}

Tomorrow we begin our adventure; eventually making our way to Imaging USA 2016 in Atlanta, Georgia. Can't wait to share the images with you all! 

Sunday, January 3, 2016

Project 366 Share {Day 3}

Sisterly love. Ciara (on back) will be 13 in two weeks; Shianne (the carrier) is 15. Nothing warms my heart more than to see my kiddos getting along so well. I have always said they are all more like friends than siblings.