Sunday, March 23, 2014

{Monster High Doll Storage}

We have an infestation at our home.....Moster High Dolls are EVERYWHERE! Well, they were. Today my oldest and I spent a few minutes and transformed the little's storage unit into a Monster High condo. Sadly, this is only about 50% of the dolls and accessories we have, the others are in the back of my van. lol

Here is a closer view of the rooms we made:

Yes, even our Ever After Dolls feel right at home in the MH condo. :) 

The top of the 9 cube organizer houses the MH School, the Headless Headmistress Bloodgood's Horse and a bag that hold all the extra accessories and clothing.  This particular storage until was purchased about a year and a half ago as a book self for my daughters but really I think it was meant for this! 

How did I come up with this idea? That is simple. My 6 year old was playing in her room, I went in to  check on her and with her BIG blue eyes she asked, "Do you want to play with me Mommy?" At that moment, honestly, I did not. I had a million other things that I wanted to do but I could see how excited she was to get to play with me. So we played and then I organized after. My kind of perfect Sunday afternoon!

Here is the info about the unit:  Circo 9 Cube Organizer Fun Pink from Target 

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