Saturday, January 3, 2015

Happy New Year

Okay, I realize that this blog has been lacking content lately. Honestly, it is ALL my fault. Between working a 40 hour a week job outside of my home, running a photography company, selling Thirty-One Gifts, being Mommy and a girlfriend this blog was the last thing on my mind. 

This year that is going to change. Scouts honor. 

How did you all spend your New Years Eve? My day was great. I spent it with my AMAZING kiddos. My evening well that was a total fail...

The night started off great. My oldest daughter and her best friend offered to babysit for us, of course we took them up on the offer. As luck would have it the place we were planning on going to was hosting a family night so at the last minute we were forced to come up with alternative plans. We opted to attempt to see a movie...that was a no go. Feeling defeated but not willing to go home at 7 pm we decided to check out a local bar. (HUGE mistake.) Neither Joe or I drink and being around intoxicated people just is not as fun as it use to be. After about an hour we left. Our journey took us to WalMart. 

Yes, your read that correctly. We spent our NYE at WalMart. It was actually nice to get to shop with literally no other customers in the store. I danced around to the music, like always, until Joe mentioned that the security people watching the tapes were probably planning on calling the cops on me thinking that I was in fact drunk. In retrospect, he was probably correct. Our night ended at 10 pm when were decided it was time to just admit that we are old and lame. Is it sad that neither of us managed to stay up until midnight to ring in the New Year? 

Since this years celebration was a bust, we decided to plan ahead for 2016. It has been decided that we will send the kiddos to an overnight camp/playdate, come home, cuddle up and go to bed early. Truth be told, it sounds like a pretty awesome plan if you ask me. 

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