Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Learning to coupon.

I must admit, I admire extreme couponers. I really wish I could do it half as well as they do. But alas I am happy to just save 10% when I shop. lol. That is until this year. My goal is to start saving more money on the items my family uses on a regular basis. I do not need a $10,000 stock pile; I just was to spend less if possible.

The other night I went shopping and was able to save about 33%! Not too bad, but I am looking to save a little more if possible. Thankfully, there are a lot of awesome sites that do all the searching and matching up for you.

After I get the Sunday paper I will google certain local stores with the week date, like "Kroger coupon roundup 1/15/2013" then I open a few of the sites and see how much I can save. If I don't have a coupon they mention, I will go look for it in another search. :) Tomorrow, I will head out shopping and will let you know how I did!


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