Sunday, January 13, 2013

Off to church we go?!?!

In a few hours I will pile my kiddos into the van and head off to church. sounds like what most ordinary families do on a Sunday morning. Only, as my title states we are NOT your ordinary everyday family. I have not been to church in years. Truth be told, I did not think I would ever attend again. Let me guess. Now you are curious as to why. am I correct? Let me fill you in. God and I are not on the best of terms at the moment. I turned my back on him years ago after he turned his on me. Powerful words I know.

See, I gave birth to the MOST beautiful children in the world. sadly, one of them was born with a lung condition...well lack of lung condition actually. Long story short. I got pissed off and through a huge pity party for myself. Not able to comprehend why I, the Mom who did not smoke, drink or use drugs birthed a child with a rare illness while thousands of "crack-head" Mother's were giving birth to perfectly healthy babies. BS I tell you! BS! So after months of trying to come to terms with my daughters illness and learning about what it meant for her future, I finally came to the conclusion that I was walking alone....and I was perfectly okay with that. 

only recently have I given thought to attending church. So tomorrow, I am sucking it up, putting my pride aside and walking through those doors. Kids in tow. Hopefully, we will be able to find a "home church" that we enjoy and feel like we mesh with. If not the church we are attending in a few hours then there is always next Sunday and there is a plethora of churches to be found.


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