Saturday, November 30, 2013

MyMemories $10 off Suite v5

Oh hello . . . it has been a while but today I have some exciting news .  A friend of mine just sent me a message about MyMemories. Ever heard of it? Well, she says, "it is literally the best digital scrapbooking software (she) has ever used." This statement got my attention. I went, google searched it and as it turns out a lot of people are using and loving it! I played around with it for a bit and I have to say, I am really impressed. I may just have a new hobby on my hands! 

This is where you followers will receive $10 off the purchase of MyMemories Suite using promo code: STMMMS18322All you have to do is add MyMemories Suite v5 (digital download) to your cart and copy and paste this promo code at checkout: STMMMS18322. Yes, it is that simple! 

Thanks Kelly for sharing this site with me! 

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