Friday, November 1, 2013

Gratitude Challenge 2013: Day 1

Gratitude Challenge 2013!  With so much turmoil all around us, I believe it is a really good thing to take a moment and focus on our blessings. I admit, I am guilty - sometimes I get caught up in the "if only … “ or “I wish I could …” or “what if's … ” I am not really a negative person but sometimes life seems to kick me when I am down. While I have come to terms with the fact that this is my life, I try to remain as positive as I can. Sometimes, that is not very much. :) 

"The grass is always greener on the other side" I have a love hate relationship with this phrase. Why do people always think they would be happier in a different set of circumstances? I am neither rich or poor but comfortably middle class. What if my other side would mean I have Section 8 housing? Or the opposite, what if it meant I would have to work 60+ hours a week at my corporate job and never see my family? No thank you! I will take my grass, even if it does tend to dry up and grow weeds. I am living a very hectic yet rewarding life. I am so thankful for my six awesome children (you will be "blessed" with the opportunity to read about them within the month of my "Gratitude Challenge 2013" posts, I promise.) I am thankful for my full time job and the opportunity I have been given to run my own company. There is just so much that I am thankful for and sometimes I tend to forget overlook it all, especially in hard times. 

But today, I am thankful for being born me. The good, the bad, the pretty and the ugly situations that I have experienced during the past 30 years of my life have shaped me into who I am today. While, at times, I may have thought, "My life is over..." in reality those events were simply ensuring I was being reborn into the person I am today! If you ask me, I am pretty freaking awesome so it was all worth it! 

If you don’t have a blog, feel free to leave a comment beneath this post for what you are thankful for today. We can all find something to be thankful for each day. I hope you will join me in counting the many blessings
So, what are you thankful for today?

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