Monday, March 21, 2016

{A few of her favorite things}

It is no secret that children learn through play. One of my favorite sounds is when I hear my kiddos playing be it alone, with someone else, inside or out. I love the laughter, the various character voices they demonstrate, the conversations the toys have, the car sounds, everything! Nothing brings a smile to my face faster than hearing my children playing! 

I read somewhere that, "When a child asks you to play it is like you telling your spouse you've had a hard day and need to talk." While this may not always be the case I have tried to always keep that sentence in mind, when my kids specifically ask me to play - I engage! Whatever I was doing becomes less important, though sometimes they do have to wait a few minutes for me to wrap things up. Keeping in mind that play should never ever be a duty; it should always be for fun. My children ask me once every two weeks at most to play; they understand I am busy but they also know that I will make sure to make time for them in my busy schedule. Plus, I home school the two youngest so the get LOTS of "Mommy" time during the normal school week. The older kiddos, they would honestly prefer not to play...unless it is family game night. 

This past weekend my youngest daughter asked me to play with her. I was tired, had a headache and honestly did not want to leave the couch. We improvised and she brought the toys to me. Watching her play was extremely soothing. I sat there observing her thinking, "Wow, THIS kid has such an imagination!" While we were playing with her cars, turtles and dinosaurs she asked me to get my camera so I could take pictures of her "favorites!" Yes!! Now this is MY kind of play.

Scarlett sat there playing with her "favorites" as I happily snapped away. "Get this one Mommy. Look at this, it would be a good picture. Watch this flip he can do." She was happy, as was I. We spent about an hour together playing, laughing, photographing away. I could see in her eyes she was happy to be able to share her likes with me...which in turn made me happy. Though I did desperately need so aspirin when play time was over. 

Anyway, I just wanted to take a few minutes to share my 8 year old daughters adventures in play with you all. Who knows when the next time I am asked to play will be. For now, I will take it when I can. 

"Logic will get you from A to B. Imagination will take you everywhere." -Albert Einstein

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