Monday, April 11, 2016

{'Tis the night before surgery - Part 1} OUR HYDROCEPHALUS JOURNEY

Uninspired. I don't think there is any better word to describe how I felt today. After picking up Scar from my Uncle's house this morning I just did not feel like doing anything. Nada! Most of my afternoon was spent with me curled up on the couch, desperately trying to catch up on the sleep I have lost these past few weeks. On a bright note I did get to nap for close to an hour so I feel wide awake and refreshed right now! HA!

It was not until around 7 this evening that I finally got my lazy butt off the couch and started getting my ever growing task list completed. I washed all of the bedding so that after using this special preoperative skin preparation soap tonight Joe is sleeping on fresh, clean bedding. Then I decided I should go ahead and rewash the clothes that he will be wearing to bed and those that he plans on wearing to the hospital...better safe than sorry. After getting those loads down, it hit me - I need to bleach the towels he will use tonight and tomorrow so back to the laundry room I went. (At this point I started thinking maybe I needed to make a list.) BAD IDEA! That list kept growing and growing:

Clean, scrub and disinfect the bathroom.
Scrub the kitchen floor.
Wipe down the counters.
Lysol the entire house.
Clean door knobs and light switches...pretty much clean and disinfect ANY and EVERYTHING he may come in contact with tonight or tomorrow. 
Finish the dishes.
Make spaghetti - his requested "night before" meal.
Give dogs a bath.
Give cats a bath. Note to self: have cats declawed.
Feed and water animals.
Feed children. 
Feed fish.
Fees self - ain't nobody got time for that.
Think of  blog post, write and post.
Prep girls things for tomorrow.
Pack Joe's things for tomorrow.
Charge laptop.
Take photos of the moon - this was added when I let the dogs outside as the moon looks pretty.
Clean out van; crap Joe has the van.
Make sure girls get a shower.
Wipe down counters and kitchen table.
Repeat dishes now that children have eaten.
Prepare tomorrow nights dinner.
Charge cell phone.
Review Joe's pre-op Skin Prep so we don't eff this up.
Review Joe's pre-op intake instructions.
Set alarms on phones.
Light candles so it smells yummy when Joe get's home.
Edit photos...edit some more.
Store Joe's important contacts in my phone.

Notice how half of my list is absolutely insane yet this is where my mind is at right now. In fact, even as I am sitting her typing this out I keep adding things to this stupid list. So thankful that I was able to get a little nap in earlier today because at this point I am gonna be up all night.

Anyway, please feel free to wish Joe luck for tomorrow!  

I will keep you updated, facebooking live–freezing and starving–from his surgical suite. I will also try my best to update this blog for those of you not on FB. Joe is “scheduled” to check-in at 9:45 am for his pre-op MRI; surgery should begin around 1:00. At this point we are not really sure how long he will remain in the hospital following the procedure. I really hope that he will be released Weds but at this point only time will tell. 

Well, I have added half a dozen new to-do items to my list and Joe is due home soon so I must be off. Thanks everyone for all your thoughts and prayers. 

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