Monday, April 11, 2016

{'Tis the night before surgery - Part 2} OUR HYDROCEPHALUS JOURNEY

'Tis The Night Before His Surgery 

‘Tis the night before Joe's surgery, and all through the house
Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse.
His suitcase was packed by the front door with care, 
in hopes that a new him would soon return there.

The littles were nestled all snug in bed,
While visions of surgery outcomes, haunted my head.
He had just gotten home to such a terrible fright,
For it was 11:00 PM, and he could not eat after midnight!

From the kitchen he heard such a clatter, 
I had dropped his plate of food, oh how the tacos did splatter. 
He rushed to help me;  not a moment to spare,
As I was cleaning the mess and crying about how life is not fair.

There he found me in the middle of the room,
still crying over a mess and wondering what he would consume.
Then, it hit me; Spaghetti I did make make.
Leftovers were fast and it’s tasty, and included a slice of cake!

With in a few moments he gobbled it up so quick,
I thought to myself, "Oh, please don't let him get sick."
Then he looked at the blender on the counter; wondering why it was there,
“I made a milkshake and I'm not gonna share!"

Reluctantly, I gave in; pouring my shake into his glass and filling it to the top.
He sat there and drank until we laughed about how much longer until he would pop.
One by one, the hours crept by, as I laid awake counting sheep.
His surgery has me a wreck and I couldn’t go back to sleep!

‘Tis the night before surgery, and here in my house;
they are all sleeping soundly, including my spouse.

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